
Section G-2 is made up of the following lodges. To find your lodge visit oa-bsa.org/lodge-map.

At the local level, lodges exist to serve BSA councils and individual units. Each lodge chief is a member of the section’s Council of Chiefs and is able to attend and vote at monthly section meetings. Sections work closely with lodges to provide support when they need it.

Aina Topa Hutsi

Alamo Area Council, San Antonio, Texas, USA

Lodge Leadership

Colonneh Lodge

Sam Houston Area Council, Houston, Texas, USA
Lodge Leadership

Hasinai Lodge

Three Rivers Council, Beaumont, Texas, USA
Lodge Leadership

Karankawa Lodge

South Texas Council, Corpus Christi, Texas, USA
Lodge Leadership

Tatanka Lodge

Buffalo Trails Lodge Midland, Texas, USA

Lodge Leadership

Website | Facebook | Twitter | Instagram

Tonkawa Lodge

Capital Area Council, Austin, Texas, USA

Lodge Leadership

Website | Facebook | Twitter | Instagram

Wahinkto Lodge

Texas Southwest Council, San Angelo, Texas, USA

Lodge Leadership

Website | Facebook | Twitter | Instagram

Wewanoma Lodge

Rio Grande Council, Harlingen, Texas, USA

Lodge Leadership


Wihinipa Lodge

Bay Area Council Galveston, Texas, USA

Lodge Leadership

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